Find Fun For Kids Fast

Struggling to find New and Fun things to do with your Kids in Belgium?

Badaboo is on a mission to help you find it easily and with all the details you need to plan ahead!

No more guessing, no more wasting time, no more disappointment!


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Explore all kinds of activities for children and families in Belgium and beyond.

Discover new attractions and stimulate your kids development!

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Data Driven Results

Visualize Key Information first and only invest time clicking on activities that are really suitable for your family.

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Kids Centric Reviews

Activities are reviewed by other parents and care takers, always focused on the happiness and safety of the kids.

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Fun Worldwide

We are starting our pilot by in Belgium. But you are welcome to add or suggest activities anywhere in the globe.

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Are you involved in offering children's activities? Easily add your exciting experiences or venues to be featured in our directory! Gain access to a Dashboard packed with insights, effortlessly manage your listings, and boost your visibility by reaching our expanding community!

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Spread the word among fellow parents, caregivers, and providers of kid's entertainment to help us expand our community and database of Kids and Family Fun! Together, let's make our platform the go-to destination for all things related to children's activities and family enjoyment!

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What our Beta users say

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

testimonial img 11
Jhone Smith WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

testimonial img 11
Jhone Smith WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Team 3
Russel Hall WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

team 4
Susan Bishop WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

testimonial img 11
Jhone Smith WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Team 3
Russel Hall WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

team 4
Susan Bishop WordPress Dev.


Tried, Loved, Approved

I love the badaboo platform, I count on it to plan the activities I will do with my daughter. The website allows me to select activities based on a set of criteria (including activities for parents too 🙂). And the team at badaboo is always visiting new places and adding them to the platform,I highly recommend following badaboo on Instagram. I am really happy with the possibility of expansion to other locations, I am sure it will be a success as it is here in Brussels.

Andrei Goncalves Ribas
Andrei Gonçalves Ribas Brussels

As a mom of 4, I’ve been using Badaboo with my kids and I’m a huge fan of the platform! It not only brings practical solutions to a busy mom’s daily life but also helps organize our routines in a fun and intuitive way. 💕 Expanding to other countries would be amazing, especially for those of us who travel frequently. Having Badaboo available internationally would make life so much easier no matter where we are. Super excited to see Badaboo grow! 🚀

Nathercia van Vliet
Nathércia van Vliet Duffel

I am using Badaboo on a daily basis to find public playgrounds for my two kids (3 and 9yrs old). The site is super easy to use and helps me discover safe, fun, and nearby playgrounds that suit both of my children. If you’re a parent looking for great spots for your little ones to play, I highly recommend checking out Badaboo!

Pergentino Araujo
Pergentino Araujo Brussels

Badaboo is a great platform for parents to search for new places to enjoy time with their kids. It’s easy navigation and rich content allows parents to quickly plan a day out.

Beatriz Machado de Moraes Barros Brussels

Badaboo is a must. Very helpful tool when you have no idea what do to with your kids. I recommend to everyone.

Luis Daniel Simoes de Carvalho
Luis Daniel Simões de Carvalho Brussels

Badaboo is just great. Really helpful when hanging out with my son. It always gives me new ideas and places to go.

David P. Brussels

Badaboo is the innovation parents look for. 🥳 While Netflix makes users spend way more time searching than actually enjoying movies, Badaboo brings to parents the best options closest to them and most of their time is actually spent having fun with the kids Simply the winner🥇

Romário de Melo Zug

What a fantastic platform🤩 It is easy to use. I check it often and it always has great activities to do with my daughter

Francyele Patricia Naue
Francyele Patricia Naue Brussels

Fantastic, I love using Badaboo in Brussels, very useful and saves a lot of searching time, and the best is: my kids love the results!

Wallace Espindola
Wallace Espindola Wavre

Agreed, Badaboo is a great platform. I love it.

Marcelo Santana
Marcelo Santana Brussels

Badaboo is amazing. Helps parents and kids 😺.

Danielle Silva de Oliveira
Danielle Silva de Oliveira Brussels

I use Badaboo all the time for activities with my son, here in Brussels. It would be wonderful to be able to count on this help in other places. When we travel, sometimes we are lost without activities for the children.

Eucilane Jandre dos Santos
Eucilane Jandre dos Santos Brussels

I must say that I know lots of friends who use her tool to facilitate the process of finding alternatives of what they can do in their free time. I've seen this platform expanding and reaching more and more families helping them to explore new places and entertaining their kids. This platform has a large market to explore and I'm pretty sure I'll see it growing enormously. It makes parents life way easier on the aspect of finding new places to entertain their kids.

Felipe Magalhaes
Felipe Magalhães Brussels

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